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TGP’s team of marketing professionals offers comprehensive, flexible and competitive Marketing Programs that focus on the needs of the independent retailers we serve. Our programs not only cater to different sized stores—from the small community store to the largest full serve grocery store—they also address retail pricing by providing several price zones for stores in different provinces and territories.
TGP's E-Flyer's can be found here: flyers.tgp.crs
Seasonal Booking Programs
At TGP we are ready for every season. We offer extensive bi-weekly and seasonal booking programs to make sure your customers have everything they need to make every holiday special. Our booking program includes new product introductory offers so you can be first-to-market on all the latest product trends.
Flyer Program
TGP offers a full range of flyer program options. And our marketing team is always improving the Flyer Program to ensure that it remains market competitive. Our team is sensitive to the needs of the independent retailer and works hard to make the flyer visually appealing to shoppers.
Our 51 week Flyer Program offers a variety of flyer theme events to always keep things fresh. These events create merchandising impact and drive consumer traffic. Whether it’s our 10 for $10 sales, case-lot sales, buy one get one sales or one of our other events, shoppers leave happy.
But it doesn’t stop there. Additional events are planned throughout the year to build in-store shopper excitement and create merchandising opportunities for the retailer, and include: monthly SAVE promotions, price freeze events to coincide with peak promotional seasons and full color high quality BBQ and Christmas seasonal entertaining catalogs.
Our flyer program is supported by digital options which include an on-line flyer version and a permission based e-mail flyer weekly.
Category Management
Our team of category management professionals is here to make sure that you have the right mix of products available for your customers. Our experienced team works with vendors so that we can provide you with marketing insights and consumer trends. We provide you with flexible tools to make the right product decisions for any size of store and our retail operations team is there to support you every step of the way.
Consumer Promotions
TGP offers consumer promotions throughout the year that engage shoppers and make your store the store of choice.
We also run an annual community support promotion called ‘Round up for your Community’ which raises funds for local causes that are meaningful to your community and customers. From the stores that participate, TGP selects several causes to support by providing a top up donation.